Thursday, January 24, 2013

I've had enough, and so should you.

It's come to my attention through careful analysis that this country has forgotten one of the most important values for survival of the human race. It's not love; there's plenty of that. It's not kindness; there are entire religions that think they've got the market cornered there. It's simple moderation.

We are a nation of excess. We want everything bigger, faster, more powerful, and immediately. Where did all the self-regulation go? Some might be quick to point out that I drink a lot, and have some sort of cognitive dissonance about me talking about moderation, but those people are wrong, and assholes for trying. I don't drink a lot, I drink often. Huge difference. For starters, it's way cheaper.

This lady on the train, though, Is a shining example of the opposite end of the spectrum. She's got a crushed beer can next to her, and one rapidly becoming empty in her hand. Also: I'm pretty sure she fell into a vat of Chanel. Whether that's to cover up the green cloud of beer farts or not, I have no idea. What I do know is that it's not even eight o'clock in the morning, and this woman is dressed for work and pounding Miller Lite like it's Dios del muertos (forgive the poor Spanish; I speak German).

This need for more, more, more all the time is insane. The sad thing is that it translates to everything. Perfume, booze, power, money, drugs, cats, and yes, even guns all seem to be more important to collect and hoarde than to own simply enough to manage.


Why do you need to wear so much perfume that the only scent left is the fragrance of the alcohol? Or drink to excess at 8am? Or have 20 cats, and nowhere to safely walk across the floor?

Why do you have to have a fully automatic assault rifle with a hundred round drum of armor piercing incindiary rounds?

Why not simply have enough?

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