Thursday, March 21, 2013

Carrying On

You saw this coming.

If you didn't, it's astonishing that you've been able to follow this series thusfar.

It's the third part of the phrase "ranting, raving, and carrying on." It's normally used to describe the act of a full-blown tirade. In this way, it's gotten a bad rap, but just as ranting and raving are two separate, nearly polar opposite things, carrying on is also something completely different from the other two. As a matter of fact, the phrase in its entirety is indicative of something to which I, for one, greatly aspire. It's the ultimate exercise of someone who's well-adjusted, and well-rounded (something I can only hope to one day be).

How so?

Carrying on is something one does after a setback, or a nuisance, or something that would otherwise be a crippling blow. I've lost jobs and carried on. I've been homeless and carried on. I've had George Bush as my president and carried on.

I've carried on for most of my life.

I've ranted for half of it.

I've just recently started raving.

Imagine, with the descriptions I've laid out in your head, being able to truly rant, rave, and carry on.

Imagine having something put your back up, something that really mattered, and being able to voice your concerns in such a way as to actually move people. This would give rise to hope and positivity, something to rave about, wouldn't you say? Then, as you've addressed the problem, and catalyzed change, you carry on.

The fact of the matter is that more people should rant, rave, and carry on. Perhaps things would be better. If people ranted about the shitty, bothersome injustices of everyday life, perhaps more of those hindrances would fade into the past, perhaps we'd all have something to rave about, and then, perhaps, we could all carry on.

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