Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I think it's about time we start holding ourselves accountable to future generations, don't you?

We're letting them down. They're committing crimes, and being victims of crimes while not reporting them, and it's our fault.

Billions - literally billions - of people around the world raise their kids on stories of slavery, murder, rape, incest, torture, genocide, and human sacrifice from the time they're able to understand their own consciousness. What's more, they're taught that these things are acceptable...nay... divine. FUCKING DIVINE! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? Not only are these decidedly inhumane acts divine, they're not to question them.

Our kids are forced to hear of these atrocities and instructed to devote love and praise to the very same bogeyman that commits them. Repeatedly. When they do fall out of line, and start wondering about certain flaws and plot holes (or, as I like to call it, thinking), they're brusquely whipped back into line with threats of being pitched into an eternal pit of torture and fire by, you guessed it, the hero of the story... who loves them... but will fucking fry them if they don't love him back. Then, some even more sub-par humanoids further confuse their sons by telling them that loving another man is wrong.

Perhaps, if we put the horror story down, and stop raising our kids on such violent, disturbing, inhumane imagery; perhaps if we put more emphasis on helping your fellow man, and less on supplication to a mental patient in the sky with daddy issues, they wouldn't try to be so much closer to god by emulating him.

Think about this the next time you hear some knuckle-dragging, evolutionary throwback talk about how Atheists have no morals.

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