Thursday, February 6, 2014

Creationist Silliness: Part Deux

So, I'm tackling Buzzfeed's 22 Questions by Creationists, a list of questions that people actually took the time to write down, and had the audacity to be photographed with, that can be seen here (of you've got the stomach for it).

I've already skipped the first one, because it was pointed directly at Mr. The Science Guy, and answered the second yesterday. Scroll up, or use your supernatural powers of deduction to find yesterday's post.

Today's question comes from a dainty-bearded fellow who looks like he's had one too many paint chips for breakfast:

"Is it completely illogical that the Earth was created mature? I.E. trees created with rings, Adam as an adult..."


Oh, you need further clarification?

Okay, fine.

I understand if biology isn't your thing (personally, I only passed with a B-), but some things are very basic.

There are processes of maturation for living things, and the process is different for each type of living thing. Even related members of the same species don't mature at the same rate. Rings in trees are a result of seasonal change, and available nutrients in the soil from one growing season to the next. Physical maturity in human adults is a combination of genetics and environment as well (mental maturity is, too, but it's sometimes noticeably absent, especially in human males).

If your position is that there's a logical possibility for mature creation, you must then explain the logic behind procreation and development. Often, theists purport that a divine creator is a simple, logical explanation for the origin of the universe (citing Occam's razor). However, that argument falls apart like a leper with epilepsy when you are then faced with the task of logically explaining the development of maturity over time.

It makes no sense, nor is it even remotely logical or simple to assert that a long-bearded mystic in the clouds created everything in a mature state, then went back and reverse engineered it all so that beings could create copies of themselves in a lesser state of development. If your God is perfect, why the need for correction and reverse engineering?

A claim that it's logically possible for a sky genie to create everything in a mature state so that all those things could mix and mingle and procreate other things (all to give him glory) is ridiculous. Especially when you consider that logically, having to nurture and care for your young takes oodles of time away from your ability to stroke this needy divine wizard's perfect ego.


Fucking oodles.

In other words...

You, sir, are dismissed.


  1. It really is a pathetic list of silly psuedo-questions. I find myself thinking some of these folks ought to give up apologetics as an avocation. :)

  2. Absolutely true, but damn, is it fun to dismantle them.

    I'm taking time with tomorrow's. The next one really drives me nuts.

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