Thursday, December 29, 2011

Never Ask Spock to Get Beer.

Here's some year-end amusement for you. My wife recommended I post our conversation regarding getting some beer so people have to see what she deals with. I find it amusing, and obliged.

Me: There was almost a case leftover the other night... then we played rockband. We could always get some. I hear there are places out there that'll trade beer for money.

Vic: Ok.

 Me: Do you wish for me to pursue the possibility of such an acquisition?
Vic: yes

Me: I've done some research, and as it turns out, such an acquisition IS, in fact, possible. There are varying degrees of said transaction. To what degree would you like me to attempt the acquisition? One or more wholesale units can be exchanged for what is called "currency" the amount of currency to be exchanged is wholly dependent upon the amount of goods we wish to procure.

Vic: How much $ was 2 cases?

Me: Two large wholesale units can be exchanged for one score and sixteen American dollars. The last procurement resulted in an exchange of two score American dollars due to a magnanimous token of appreciation for the procurement agent's efforts in transporting the agreed upon goods. Commonly referred to as a "tip" in contemporary vernacular.

Vic: Besides the [X amount] how much do I have left?

Me: Twice what is required for the aforementioned acquisition.
Vic: So $80 dollars

Me: Affirmative.

Vic: You should put this conversation on facebook to show people that this is what I have to deal with.
Also, is it possible to get 1 cold case and 1 shelf case?

Me: Your posit intrigues me. I don't believe it's possible. All their Lion's head bottles are cold. The cans are warm, though, but ew.

Eat, drink and be merry, folks! I'll see you again in the new year.

1 comment:

  1. You shoulda seen it when he was my partner in crime at the pavillion, Vic. I would use him to baffle the shit out of the Rent-A-Cops and distract them while I got into mischief.
