Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Don't End With A Propositional Phase.

 Can we please focus on shit that matters now? Seriously, the big game against central is over, enough already. I know I've already tackled football, but this banal, boorish blemish on American society as a whole needs a time-out. Can we, as a nation - as adults - huddle up and discuss more pressing issues? Like maybe the recent sacking of Prop H8? That strikes me as a pretty big fucking deal.

 Now, I know homophobes everywhere are mad about the robust grudge fuck Prop 8 took, but that's just tough shit. The fact is, even if you drain all the humanity out of it, and look at it exclusively from the most capitalistic point of view, it makes good, sound business sense. Put the humanity back into it, and voila! Now, you're looking at something that is a win for the LGBT community, or as I like to call them, my fellow human beings who happen to have different tastes (in some, but certainly not all) cases.  You know, homo sapiens? I know a lot of people need that link, because they don't want to believe we've evolved from a species with it's origin in Africa. They're deathly afraid of being related to... BLACK PEOPLE! (Did they scatter)? Never mind that; it's for another rant for another day.

 Here's the thing: there shouldn't be a rift between the general populace on the legalization of something that ought never to have been illegal in the first place! Perhaps I'm daft. Maybe I just don't get it, but I simply can't wrap my head around the abysmal hypocrisy of a select privileged handful of lechers and adulterers, trying once again to legislate morality. Especially when it comes to bemoaning the sanctity of marriage. I may be a complete asshole, and I may be slightly misanthropic, but damn it, love is love. Period! It's not something one can explain, legislate, or break into square, linear, black and white definitions. Why, then, is this even an issue?
 "You want to marry a man? Fine. WAIT A MINUTE! YOU ARE A MAN!? Well, that's no good. Nope. Can't do it." 

 At risk of sounding arrogant and obtuse, I think there is at least a handful of more important things we ought to be worrying about right now, rather than whom one can or can not marry, like... I don't know... figuring out who's least likely to fuck over the ever increasing throng of impoverished families in the U.S. over the next four years? Just a thought. Maybe it's be a good idea to pay attention to that, so we're not pissing and moaning about how poorly that person is doing their job before they've even got halfway through their term? Furthermore, WHAT BLOODY SENSE DOES IT MAKE FOR IT TO BE PERFECTLY LEGAL TO MARRY BLOOD RELATIVES, AS LONG AS THEY ARE OF THE OPPOSITE SEX!? Sorry for the Brian Blessed moment, but it truly flummoxes me that in 25 states, you can marry your first cousin, as long as you don't both have the same type of junk. It seems to me, a great number of these chimps flinging their feces at the LGBT community have hailed from these states. Is there a connection?

 Who knows, we can't subject them to the kinds of tests I'd like to, because of that whole "ethics" thing. I'll tell you this, though, I for one welcome the legalization of same sex marriage (also called "marriage"). If you've got the heart, and the sincerity, and the loyalty, and the constitution to dedicate the rest of your days to a mutual reciprocation of love and trust, then as far as I'm concerned, you've earned the right to be proud of it, and walk through life as a legitimately married couple, reaping all the benefits of any other.The fact that there are married couples that haven't earned and continue not earning the privileges that they take for granted are allowed to stand up and falsely claim undying love to each other while couples that are truly in love are barred from having that same rite (see what I did there?) is truly criminal.

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