Monday, February 25, 2013


I actually wasn't going to do a post today...then I saw the news.

I guess if ignorance is bliss, I'm just doomed to be miserable. Yet another priest caught with his pants down, another one resigning, and the current president of NAMBLA changing the rules yet again, so they can hurry up and replace him. Never mind sanctity (unless of course it's the sanctity of marriage, which is apparently being ruined by homosexual couples that have been together longer than I've been alive wanting to marry).

Honestly, where's the outrage? I don't know which is worse: the abysmal fact that kiddie-diddling is a regular, standard practice In the church, or the appalling fact that no one seems to mind if Father Gropey takes little Tommy and violates him in the rectory. I'm relatively certain this isn't what the zombie carpenter meant by "suffer the little children." Although, if I'm being fair, the holy tome isn't exactly chock full of compassion and understanding.

It's time to put away childish things, folks. That means also putting away Monsignor McFondle - for a very long time. The papacy needs to go. It's over. It's an old, tired institution with an old, tired (not to mention half blind and half deaf) pedophile nazi...okay, I'll be fair...ex-nazi, at its head. As George Carlin once said (about something completely different, but it fits): "It's time to start bombing these locations."

People ask me all thee time why I care if other people want to celebrate god's love. This is why. When Americans are more angry about having a black guy in the whitehouse leading a nation of several hundred million than they are about a child-raping hitler youth leading several billion in a supposedly sacred institution for which he can bend the rules any time he wants, I guess I'm just one of a handful of people that gives a shit.

New rule: unless you're willing to take it up the ass by force and against your will, pull your pants up, turn around, smile at, and forgive the decrepit old man you're supposed to be able to trust with your mortal soul, then pay him by dropping a twenty in the gold collection plate, shut the fuck up about how terrible I am for not believing your faery tales.

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