Thursday, February 28, 2013


So today is the last day of Pope kiddie toucher the eleventy-billionth's rule. Well huzzah and whoopty-motherfucking-doo.

Although I'm of the inclination that there are far more important things happening in the world today (the fascinating possibility of sending a married couple to Mars, for instance), I will acknowledge that the holy see gingerly stepping out of his Prada slippers probably holds a higher priority for a select group of people that can't be bothered to acknowledge and actually do something about the rampant suffering in the world (despite what their rulebook says).

You know what would actually be newsworthy? If the world court decided to do the right thing instead of the easy thing, and indict the child-fondling monster.

Okay, okay, I know there's no conclusive proof that he actually groped any prepubescent boys, but there is conclusive evidence (from the Vatican itself, mind you) that he sheltered and protected several of his colleagues who did. Guess what? That's also a it should be.

In other news, Robin Roberts is still back. While I'm glad to see someone fight and win against cancer thanks to the WONDERS OF MODERN MEDICINE AND SCIENCE, I don't know if it's quite newsworthy. People take off work to escape death all the time, and don't get a two-week long ticker tape parade. Hell, sometimes they don't even get their job back.

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