Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Devil Wears Prada

Well, apparently, they still haven't decided who the next grand wizard of kiddie touchers will be. For each day that goes by popelessly, the muppets on  the news squawk a little louder about how the last pope whose election took more than three days, was in 1830something. "...and that took an astonishing 50 days!"

I don't know what's so astonishing about it. It seems to be a pretty big fucking decision. Granted, the 115 leaders of their respective NAMBLA branches have had a month to think about who they'd like to be in the position of shielding them from the law, but it's still a big deal.

As a matter of fact, the election of the next executive justice-obstructer is so momentous that we can't even concentrate on silly little things like whether North Korea is going to reach out and nuke someone (which they either can or can't yet do, depending on the margin of error). You do know they want to fry our asses, right? I don't know what Kim Jong Un's issue is (and since we're us, there could be several), and I've never been to either of the Koreas myself, but I do know that you can only dismiss threats as bluster for so long before whomever is doing the threatening decides you've let your guard down.

I also know this: regardless of whether or not NoKo can reach out and touch us, regardless of whether or not they have the technology to have a ballistic missile make landfall on U.S. soil, a nuclear blast detonated above ground, in the atmosphere, is more devastating than one that explodes on impact.

We've even had the courtesy to test this for them.

Yay, us.

So, for fuck's sake, pick your holier-than-though, supreme-misogynist-and-bigot-in-chief, so you can stop distracting the world with your fucking popularity contest!

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