Wednesday, April 10, 2013


I woke up at four this morning. No reason, it's just what's been happening lately. So, as not to wake my wife, I went downstairs and played Risk on the PS3, because world domination takes practice.

I watched the cats stakeout one of the bookshelves. Apparently, there's a baby mouse huddled in the corner behind it. Adorable, but too close to my books for this bibliophile (BTW, Mr. Comfort, that's a lover of books). I continued to take over the world, three dice at a time, and watched the sunrise wake the city and its birds.

It was beautiful.

The early morning peace was greatly needed and appreciated.

When my wife woke and came downstairs, she grunted an acknowledgment of my presence, and got her coffee, then we made some small talk, instead of arguing about about how I don't wipe things in the correct direction, or put dishes in the sink in the right order, or fold my dirty laundry before depositing it in the hamper (She doesn't have OCD, I just never do anything "the right way").

It, too, was beautiful in its simple pleasantry.

Unfortunately, however, it's not conducive for the purposes of writing this particular blog.

I'm not too worried about it, there will be plenty of days not like this one.

That minor point aside, it's starting out as a beautiful day. Don't take it for granted.

Stop and listen to the birds.

Watch the cats stakeout a bookshelf.

Take over the world, three dice at a time.

Enjoy life; you only get one.

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