Thursday, April 11, 2013


Well, well, well, just call me Nostra-fucking-damus.

I've been rambling on for months about North Korea... maybe even years. There was a time when even I thought I was being as little too much of a conspiracy theorist. Then, that spoiled cabbage patch doll decided to openly and explicitly threaten to attack the U.S...

With nuclear (sound it out, it's not "nuculer") fucking weapons...


So what's NoKo up to today?


Will they strike against the United States?


Will they strike against a living target?

Mmmm...not likely.

Will they launch a missile of any kind, probably in open water, just to do some posturing?

Yeah... Yeah, they will.

Does it matter?

You bet your fucking ass, it matters.

I'm not saying panic, or even worry, that would be asinine, and counterintuitive. I AM saying be aware, maybe even concerned, but at the very least, aware.

In the event that NoKo decides to plop a missile into the western Pacific like a giant rusty turd, there's little harm done. Some fish might get pissed off, but other than that, it's little more than a dick move by an egomaniacal child.

If, however, that giant rusty turd is armed with the slightest hint of atomic weaponry, there's going to be a problem. We've already done the research; ask Japan about it.

What I think the most likely scenario actually is, is that Kim Jong Un (always remember your enemies' names, kids) is going to launch a big, gaudy bottle rocket into the ocean, and have his state run media spin it in some way that pins blame for their failure on us.

This does two things:

It bolsters the image he's trying to portray to his people that he does, in, fact, have military balls.

It also is just ever so slightly less than what would be necessary to start a major war that he simply can't handle yet.

Know your Vizzini, folks, classic military blunder number 1 is:  "Never get involved in a land war in Asia."

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