Thursday, March 13, 2014

Creationist Silliness: Part Eleventy

I was trying to calm down enough to approach this next question from Buzzfeed's 22 from a reasonable, rational angle (sans snarky sarcasm and sharp vitriol), but fuck it...

"There is no inbetween... [sic] The only one found has been Lucy and there are only a few pieces of the hundreds neccessary [sic] for an "official proof.""

... Only... are you... ...


Young lady, have you ever been anywhere near something called the internet?

It took me approximately three and a half seconds to find the actual data on Lucy, the FIRST of FUCKING MANY Australopithecus fossils found! Granted, with Lucy in particular, they only found "several hundred pieces, representing about 40 % of the skeleton", but still. A bit more than "a few."

If you don't believe me, here's this link. If you don't like Wikipedia, that's fine, because here's this link, too. National Geographic is fairly well known, by the way, but if you still require yet more evidence, here's this fucking link as well. You might have heard of the Smithsonian; I'm not certain. However, if that's still not enough, here's this motherfucking link, too.

And just to help you out... you know, bring you into our wonderful modern age, here's another great fucking link.

If you can manage to click on that last one (I know you're probably averting your eyes to avoid accidentally beholding my blasphemy in all its hellish glory), you'll see that to date, over three-hundred fifty Australopithecus have been found.

That's 350.

That's at least 349 more than you seem to think were discovered.

By the by...

I don't think it's a wise idea to argue that evolution can't be true because we've discovered what (in your opinion) only amounts to a little bit of evidence. Why? Because "a little bit of evidence" when compared to NO FUCKING EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER, seems to me to be substantially more.

Pesky things, those facts, huh?

You're fucking dismissed.

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