Friday, March 7, 2014

Creationist Silliness: X


Not this again!

Continuing on with my tedious, particle by particle address to Buzzfeed's 22 Questions... which, for some reason, you people (Yeah, that's right, I said "you people") keep reading, we have this clusterfuck of an attempted posit. If I wrote "[sic]" everywhere it belonged in here, it would take up the rest of the space Google has allocated for this blog, so I'm just going to give you a blanket "[sic]" right here, and you can take it as read wherever it's needed.

"Why do evolutionists/secularists/huminists/non-God believing people reject the idea of their being a creator God but embrace the concept of intelligent design from aliens or other extra-terestrial sources?"

Don't look at that question for too long, or your fucking head will explode.

Give me a minute. I need a cigarette after having my eyes dicked with like that.


Okay, I'm going to explain this in small terms and hope you understand, but I'd be remiss if I didn't warn you that they will be the right words, and thanks to the awesome power of second-grade English, they'll be spelled correctly.

Where do I even start? I suppose it's worth it to point out that a majority of evolutionists, secularists, humanists, and non-believers actually don't subscribe to the idea of intelligent design via extra-terrestrial creation. As a matter of fact, that's exactly what we DON'T believe. It's Christians, and indeed, theists of all kinds who believe that.

I can sense your looks askance.

You want proof.


I'm going to cite a point here brought up my a friend of mine, and I'm going to take you through it in baby steps.

If God / Jehovah / Vishnu / The Flying Spaghetti Monster is not of this Earth (I.E. not physically present and not having originated on this planet), and extra-terrestrials are not of this Earth (see aforementioned), then by definition, your god is an extra-terrestrial. Extra - outside of, or beyond. Terrestrial - of, on, or relating to the Earth.
Apes, plants, rocks, trees, oceans, rivers, mountains, and seas are all terrestrial.

Your sky wizard is not.

And that's your belief, not ours. That's definitively the theist point of view.You're assuming we subscribe to the idea of an off-world creator when we very fucking distinctly declare that we don't.

So what's actually your question?

There seems to be a correlation here between how young you think the Earth is, and the degree to which you abysmally butcher the English language.

why is that?

Do you simply not care?

I genuinely want to know why these people repeatedly choose to slough off opportunities to expand their knowledge.

How can anyone be content with one vague and rudimentary answer to cover all the questions that existing in this universe provokes?

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