Thursday, May 22, 2014

Creationist Silliness: The Rest

Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come to end this. I originally was going to do a full twenty two part series dissecting each of these questions, but alas, my iron constitution has eroded against the waves of stupidity.

Here are the final questions packed neatly into a somewhat lengthy post riddled with links.

I'll be posting on a slightly broader range of topics after this, so stay tuned.

And if you get tired of waiting, make sure you check out Slightly Evolved.

And away we go!

"Why have we found only 1 "Lucy"' when we have found more than 1 of everything else?"

I've already covered this question here, in "Part Eleventy." If you missed it, you can go ahead and click the link; if you've already read it, I'll spare you the repetition, and just summarize that Paler Lautner and his brooding face here are wrong. It took me approximately three and a half seconds to find the actual data on Lucy, the FIRST of FUCKING MANY Australopithecus fossils found. Granted, with Lucy in particular, they only found "several hundred pieces, representing about 40 % of the skeleton."


Our next dainty-bearded contestant wants to know, "Can you believe in the Big Bang without "faith?""

Yes. Yes, you can. Do you know why? Aside from the fact that what you believe is of no consequence, which I covered in "Part Upside-down 6,.."

And "Part Cinco..."

There's another little detail.


That's right, it's been fucking proven.


There's evidence for the big bang theory smeared all over the place like soft shit of a bored 2 year old. It's all over the walls. It's in your hair. It's in your mouth. And it's going to keep popping up in the most unexpected places for the rest of your life. Get over it.


Spacey McVapid wants to know "How can you look at the world and not believe someone created/thought of it? It's Amazing!!!"

Well, despite your superfluous use of three question marks to get your point across, I look at the world and I see a shit ton of obese Americans thanking god for the food a whole fuckload of farmers grew on land that originally belonged to a now all but extinct people their ancestors violently skooched over to make room for the savages they bought from their own families to work the land and toil to get things started.

Of course, that's only here in my country.

In many others around the world, people are fucking starving.

To death.

Whose fucking brilliant divine plan was that?

P.S. I've already covered this in parts "I, Deux, and H8."


Hey... Wait a minute... This guy looks an awful lot like the first guy!

Oh, and look! Another damned repeated question complete with the requisite begging thereof:

"Relating to the big bang theory, where did the exploding star come from?"

There was no exploding star. There was a singularity (which basically is a name for a thing to which we can't quite nail an identity). That's right, cupcake... we don't know.

That's the difference between we who seek the truth, and you who think you know it already.

We can say such audacious and monumental things as "we don't yet know..."

See any of a dozen other posts of mine for an answer that you still won't find satisfactory on the big bang.

Moving on...

Oh, for fuck's sake...


I can't...

Last one, folks, and it's a doozy...

"If we came from monkeys [come on, everyone, say it with me!] then[sic] why are there still monkeys?"


You got me.

Oh, wait... no you didn't.

Yeah, it turns out, we're NOT from monkeys. We (humans) are great apes. a line descended from a common ancestor et cetera, et cetera, I know you've stopping paying attention by now, so fuck it.

Those of you who are interested in actual information regarding this subject can read it here.

Or here.

there comes a point where you simply MUST yield to scientific fact in lieu of superstition. Your god is NOT going to descend to Earth and rapture you on the basis  that you've posted more trite religious crap on Facebook than the other members of your cult... er... church. Furthermore, the Earth is FAR older than six millenia. It's been proven. People constantly remind me that "evolution is just a theory," but so are heliocentrism and gravity. Furthermore, if that's the basis of your argument, where, prithee, is your concrete, indisputable evidence to the contrary that you so vehemently present as fact? I'm all for a lively debate. I welcome intellectual discourse, but when your side begins to falter, you simply can not retreat to the bible as the apex of your argument.

This concludes this series... FINALLY!

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