Thursday, February 21, 2013


I often see christians claiming they are commanded to do things.

Commanded to proclaim christ, commanded to obey, commanded to help the less fortunate, etc.

Every time I see this, I have to wonder: commanded by whom? God? If that's the case, how is he issuing these commands? If you're hearing the voice of god, don't you think it might be a wise idea to get checked out? Seriously, you'd better not take chances. After all, what if that's not actually god, but psychosis? In that case, you're obeying someone else, and as we all know, god doesn't approve of that. Worse yet, what if it's actually the devil? Who knows, right?

I know a lot of folks like to use the easy cop out that "it's in the bible." However, the bible, by virtue of logic and physics, was written by men. Fallible men. Men who desperately needed to find a way to keep the masses in line. I suspect a few might have also had a bit of a flair for the dramatic. So, that excuse is out.

Now, as for the actual commandments, even they are somewhat more of a guideline. If you've read the bible (and I mean actually read it, not flipped through it looking for justifications), as I have, you'll notice that for every commandment, there's at least one righteous person commanded by the magic genie in the sky to break it. Even the holy hoax himself breaks every one of them.

I guess it truly is a good thing that none of this shit is real.

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