Friday, February 15, 2013


It's not terribly often that I double dip on a topic so fast, but these Carnival cruise whiners are hellbent on provoking my ire.

Among news this morning of a meteorite damn near killing people in Russia, an asteroid mere thousands of miles from Earth, a double amputee shooting his hot girlfriend, and the invention of a bionic eye, was the harrowing and tragic tale of thousands of bloated Texans spending five days camping.


These paint chip eating, knuckle dragging, evolutionary dead ends are really starting to piss me off. One particularly fluffy god botherer even compared the nearly week long ordeal with being homeless. She actually said they were homeless! Really?


Been there, done that, threw away the dry-rotted t-shirt I wore for four years, honey.

She then proceeded to have the mind-numbing audacity to call the reimbursement, free cruise, and 500 bucks that Carnival is issuing to every single passenger an insult.

An insult!?

Carnival can insult me like this any fucking time. I'll learn to live with it.

You know what's insulting? Having to listen to these entitled, soft pissants moan about the fact that they were inconvenienced by the fucking FIRE that started aboard the ship and DIDN'T KILL THEM. Among the complaints: "only one elevator worked." Yeah but the ship didn't capsize. "They had an open bar." I'm not making this up, some vapid whore complained that they opened the bar. COMPLAINED! "It was smelly." Okay, but did the ship sink? "We had to do bible study on the floor." So the fuck what?!

The kicker is that these myopic fucktards will praise jeebus, and thank gawd that they're all safe and headed home.

Never mind the men and women of the U.S. Coast guard that air dropped supplies.

Forget about the tug boat captains that towed them into port.

Gawd done it.

And now they're being insulted by getting stacks of free shit.

The nerve!

So on behalf of the seething, entitled, spoiled brats aboard the Triumph, I would like to thank the men and women who assured their safe return, on behalf of myself, and perhaps anonymous others who might agree with me, I'd like to suggest that you leave them out there next time, and on behalf of the survivors of the Titanic, the Bismarck, the Maersk Alabama, and countless others, I would like to say fuck you to the passengers of the Triumph.

Take your five hundred dollar insult, buy some new flip flops and a nice King James bible, and fucking choke on them.


  1. WOW. Possibly, I'm a little cranky, because I in addition to listening to little Miss Homeless bitch and contemplate suing the freaking company, I just read a news report that says some poor Joe has a six to seven hour drive ahead of him to get home from where his car is parked.

    Presumably, that means he drove six or seven hours to get FROM his home to the dock where the ship left port. So he'd have to do it anyway if the ship had come back as planned.

    Well, Sir I just spent six hours round-trip taking a bus to and from an appointment that would be a thirty minute drive from my house... assuming, of course, I could afford a car. I did this, and do some variation of it approximately three time a week in order to seek out a diagnosis for medical problems I've been having over the course of the past year -- which include stabbing pains, constant soreness, dizzy spells, complete loss of equilibrium, trouble focusing and a new found lack of short-term memory.

    All of that is, if not exactly okay, at least livable. Because I can still walk, even if it's not far. Because my insurance covers most things, if not everything. So I only get a few medical bills for a couple hundred dollars each, instead of dozens of them.

    Because I have a plethora of people who care an awful lot about me and do whatever is their power to assist me -- which I didn't always have.

    Because my career is a job I love, doing what I always wanted to do, in a profession I was told is "impossible" and a "pipe dream". Because I don't have to commute to work and I set my own hours (within deadlines) which means I can take a break if the pain is too bad to work.

    Because I'm not shaking, sweating, puking up bile, foggy brained, and too sick to eat -- which was me, many years ago.

    Because I'm NOT homeless -- which wasn't always the case. Because I can take a hot shower every day, and eat home cooked meals... ENOUGH home cooked meals that I'm nowhere near starving --which ALSO wasn't always the case.

    Because after my rent and all the bills are paid for I usually have about $78.00 dollars to live on a month. Sometimes a little more,sometimes a lot less. For bus fare. For soap and shampoo. For cat litter and cat food. For cigarettes. For floor cleaner and toilet paper.

    But you know what? It's enough. I live communally with to people, who in addition to us all chipping in funds and coming out with about he same amount of extra left over, make every day a joy (even the shitty ones).

    Because we can afford this awesome place to live. Because we love each other. Because even though, we'd all like a little more money a month and are working on getting it, we have enough for what we need. Aside from a car or a house, we usually even have money for what we want.

    Because I don't need, or even desire that much material crap. I'll take my friends, family, pets, notebooks, guitar, and the sun glinting on the ocean -- which I don't need a goddamn cruise ship to see, thank you VERY much.

  2. Continued: I'm trying to keep calm, I really am. And one of my partners pointed out to me that everyone has a different idea of suffering. So if someone doesn't know what it's like to be homeless, or even poor, they're going to have a much lower tolerance for what happened on the cruise ship. So I am TRYING to be charitable. But you know what? I'm fucking failing!

    Because I'd like to take those lazy, wealthy, overfed cunts to Atlantic City, lead them past all the crackheads, junkies, alcoholics, prostitutes, and mentally ill homeless people. I'd like to show them how to wash their crotches and armpits in the bus terminal bathroom. To teach them how to sleep on buses and crawl half a block on sand and trash under the boardwalk to get to a place where they can shut their eyes for a little bit without cops finding them, giving them the third degree, and making them move on. I'd like to take them dumpster diving for food behind McDonalds and Dunkin' Donuts in the wee hours of the morning. To keep their eyes on the ground for change and cigarette butts that still had a little tobacco in them.

    Today, five hundred dollars is my share of the rent. Once upon a time, it was enough for food and drinks for four months, with some extra to spare.

    It's still enough to buy a sandwich for whoever asks me for one in Atlantic City. It's still enough to buy extra packs of cigarettes, so I can hand them out whenever someone bums one off of me.

    And some of these people formed a Bible Study in the hopes that they would get back safe? People who had enough money to be going on a cruise, were reading a book instructing them to give to the poor and bitching about being homeless... instead of spending that money GIVING to the poor and those who actually are homeless.

  3. I decided to take the advice I gave to Leanan when I saw the length of her reply, and did a blog post of my own, since it's obviously something we're all very passionate about (history of homelessness and all).

  4. Dang I only get to like this once. Bet these are the same people who say "get your government hands off my medicare!"
