Tuesday, February 25, 2014

One Giant Leap (Backward) for Mankind

I hate to interrupt the flow here - ahhh, bullshit, I love it.

Anyway, I need to take a moment to address a little something:


Arizona Senate bill 1062.

Am I the only one who realizes this isn't just an "anti-gay" bill?

Do people honestly not realize this is an "anti-everyone" bill?

While I wholeheartedly agree that this abomination will set a precedent for legalized discrimination against the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ community, surely you MUST be aware that it sets a precedent for legalized discrimination against EVERYONE, right?

... RIGHT!?

SB1062 , if you read it (and feel free to do so, the link is right fucking there), isn't giving Arizona businesses the right to refuse service to gay and lesbian people...

It's giving EVERY LEGAL ENTITY in Arizona the right to refuse service to ANYONE based on their religious beliefs.

Think about that.

Take all the time you need...

This means a Christian business can refuse service to Mormons, Jehova's witnesses, Jews, Muslims, Atheists, Satanists, Wiccans, Pastafarians, Hindus... OMG... Hindus can refuse service to Christians, Mormons, Jehova's Witnesses, Muslims, Atheists, Satanists, Wiccans, Pastafarians, cows, pigs, ...


No one will be able to shop at a 7-11 in Arizona!


Yeah, sure, that's a little racist, but for comedic effect, you can forgive me. Especially once you realize the magnitude of this clusterfuck.

SB 1062 isn't bad for homosexuals.

Wait for it...

It's bad for EVERYONE.

It's the most divisive piece of legislature I've seen in my lifetime. I've read about others (Jim Crow laws, et al), but I never expected to see such a flamboyant display of douchebaggery in this modern civilization.

Dear Governor Brewer:

The 1950s called. They want their legislation back.

All joking aside, this is an abysmal initiative that isn't worth the stale air in the head of the representative it came from, and if the flabbergasted outcry of the constituents of Arizona isn't enough to convince their reps to rescind it (and I mean very fucking swiftly), perhaps there's another solution.


EVERYONE enact their right to refuse service.


Eventually, someone at some point will need some money (likely the state itself), and they'll see what ridiculous nonsense this rolled out shit stain is. They'll yank it faster than a twelve year old boy watching the scrambled Playboy channel while his parents are asleep.

I know that isn't really feasible, because a long time ago, humans got into the habit of eating regularly and sleeping in comfortable homes, but it would make the point, wouldn't it?

Here's an even better idea:

Read the fucking constitution of the fucking United States! Pay special attention to the first fucking amendment (especially that whole establishment clause thingy)! While it can be argued that by including all religions, this bill doesn't establish one for preferential treatment, it will not only allow, it will actually promote religious discrimination. It will deny United states citizens some of their privileges and immunities (especially when you consider how quickly things can become deregulated and privatized... USPS, anyone?) I'm pretty sure there's already some law or another against that, right?

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
And just in case it isn't abundantly clear:

"No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States;"
Not "straight citizens."
Not "Christian citizens."
Not "White citizens."

Just "citizens."

And as we can see, that covers "All persons born or naturalized in the United States."


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