Thursday, July 16, 2015

Pondering Adultery

So here's something that hasn't changed:

The constant droning on of Christians telling my friends and I about how we're going to hell. Ironically, Christians I'm actually friends with (and yes, there are several) tend not to do this, but there are a shit ton that seem to come angrily out of the woodwork whenever I ask a question that would, by its nature, involve thinking.

For instance, "How can your god justify making adultery a sin if he is, himself, an adulterer?"

I get the whole parental "do as I say, not as I do" thing, but I think the overlord in the clouds takes it a bit far.

For one thing, the wages of sin is death, so...

If you nail another dude's 14 year old wife, both you and she are to be stoned to death by your peers just prior to being judged by the sky wizard and sent to a burning lake of fire for all eternity.

Because it's in the rules.

Except when he does it, in which case, it's divine. Then, we call it immaculate conception (because condoms and seed-wasting are also punishable by death).

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